1 min readNov 17, 2021


The people who dislike me will sure as hell fucking hate me

The people who love me will love me to the point of being insane, mentally unstable & crazy

The people who have hate posses vision that’s hazy & in a mess

Just like those who are attached and can’t let go

Caught up in thinking they are sane but like I once was they are obsessed

Healthy people get distracted & digress but recenter their minds from la haine, the hate and la Hess

A French word for Evil at its best

I refocused like smoke from a mountain blowing up regardless of the wind

Realising I’m right where I’m supposed to be and letting go of all the places I’ve been, things I’ve seen & mistakes I’ve made

Fuck life that’s pleasant like a lemonade

I want it all good & bad by this illusion I will not be betrayed

By the mainstream ignorance I will not be swayed

Fuck money cause I do what’s in my heart & let go of getting payed




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