This is a story of a warrior, an overcomer & a rockstar
One who leads by example
Creating for himself & others positive energy that is ample
This is just a sample of a human who was trampled countless times but got up & worked on himself from every angle
Pure proof that belief is everything & goes beyond what is tangible
The alarm blasts it`s 6;00am
Time to train
Time to fight himself & his exorcize his demons through the pain
He went from fear to shame
From pride to the courage that took him beyond their meaningless names
As you pierce through his scars you see a purpose
Ever evolving & sheer
It seems effortless but you have no idea what he fought through to see clear
Sensitive, sensible & strong he lets out a tear
Entering acceptance, reason & love
Letting go of all existent drugs; weather in a screen or on a table
Settling into joy then peace followed by the enlightenment he was now able to be
Take this souvenir & chase your dreams
Let go of all your limiting perceptions
Because life is never what it seems
It is only an unlimited potential sphere for you to achieve your dreams
Find your purpose
Find your star
Take it far
Like John Mayer & his guitar
Like Michael Schumacher & an f1 car
Like havana, cuba & a cigar
Look deep within, never lose belief & become who you truly are