Aliyah with R Kelly in the Backround
Evil’s a fucking bloodhound
Disorienting us into thinking we are flat
Not round
Narrow not Lateral
Causing damage beyond collateral
Facaded Murders posing as Admirals
Peace is Supernatural
Fear is Unnatural
Fuck Biology
New world order
Rediscover the Universe
Planets & Cosmology
Cruising past Scientology
What’s wrong with you
What’s wrong with them
What’s wrong with me
Life is a varied seed
Go plant some trees
Sing some shit off keys
Turn up to Mac Miller
Embrace the breeze
Her, He, Him
They, She, Them
You got the keys
Trust yourself
Blank Out Doubt
Find your Purpose
Fucking Shout
No Victimizing
0 pouts
I do this for me
F’f’f’fuck the Clout