Jan 2, 2022


Deeper than the desert stars in Chile with the tranquility of a fragrant water lily

Busy enlightening those lost in their minds from her apartment in the city

Easily mistaken for an easygoing hippie due to societal stereotypy

Guiding herself back to love and falling in love with the process even if it doesn't happen quickly

Her transparency is trippy

Taking our minds, hearts & souls beyond the negativity implemented by the institutional committees

Welcoming us to the world of mindfulness within us

Now ourselves we can trust and our negative habits we can love & let go of

As opposed to hate, replenish and attempt to bust

A manifestation of the purposeful, creative, idealistic human in all of us

Ximena I wish you nothing but love & transcendence from fear like a dove

Sincerely, the connoisseur now void of pretending he`s above




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